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China Doll

Radermachera sinica

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Zone 9-10 or Indoors

China Doll is a small green foliage shrub native to the Philippines.  There are no significant flowers.  Most people have one because they're fairly easy to grow indoors.  Top size may be up to 5 feet indoors, but rarely seen that large

China Doll requires a moist soil with good drainage.  Provide bright light, but avoid any strong sun indoors.   Outdoors, plant in the shade

The main problems people have are sudden decline and the tendency for China Doll to become leggy (most often due to too little light indoors).  Plan on pruning/pinching soon after establishment indoors to keep your China Doll compact.  Water can be an issue as well.  Learn your plant and water moderately, but don't let your China Doll dry out

Apparently China Doll tastes good.   Expect pests like spider mites and aphids to make an appearance.  That's easy to handle if you catch the bugs early