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Lady Palm

Rhapis excelsa

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Houseplant or Zone 10+

Most everyone agrees Lady Palm is the finest premium houseplant you could own.  With almost no indoor care, Rhapis excelsa is happy and healthy giving owners years of lush tropical indoor greenery

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Native to Southern China, Lady Palm grows in clumps of thin stems each covered with woven palm fibers (instead of seeing wood).  This covered appearance can extend the entire length of each stem

Rated to a maximum of 7-10 feet, Lady Palm is a moderate grower for height and also moderate in new stem production.  It "goes with the flow" of conditions as it is widely adaptable to low or moderate light conditions, and amazingly, dry air is no problem either

Lady Palm leaves are palmate in shape and are deeply divided in 4-10 segments ending in a blunt end, whereas almost all other palms end in pointed tips.  Lady Palm foliage is very shiny and very green, especially in shade or indoors.  Too much sun bleaches leaves to a less desirable lighter color and induces some yellow

Not fussy for soil, moderately drought tolerant, Lady Palm is very easy and totally appropriate in shady spots or indoors

Propagation can be difficult from seeds requiring added heat and patience.  Most often plant division is much easier.  This is a very expensive palm as propagation is limited and costly because initial growth is slow causing Lady Palm premium prices to be the norm

Use light feedings on a schedule.   Water when dry and assure good drainage