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Fireworks Flower click pic to enlarge |
Zone 9-10
You can quickly see why Fireworks Flower, Clerodendrum quadriloculare, is one of my favorite plants. Just look at those blooms Close pic of single flower head Close pic of flower cluster forming Blooms are huge, most are 8-12 inches in diameter. Each flower is made up of scores of smaller 3-4 inch long flowers bursting from the center. Close pic of a group of flowers Rated zone 10A-11, this Clerodendrum blooms in South Florida starting January or February, then blooms continuously for several months. It's a true "Show Stopper" as neighbors and passers-by will marvel at this explosion of tropical beauty. Tourists especially like to have their pictures taken standing next to this colorful tropical tree. The leaves are great as well; succulent, green on top, and a strong purple underneath. It will grow to 12-15 feet and prefers moist soil. We plant Clerodendrum quadriloculare as a focal point and use it both in front and back yard landscape designs. This plant will grow as either a large shrub or small tree. At my mother's home, we prune the plant and use it as a shrub. We prune mom's specimen back very hard every spring after blooming has stopped. We cut off everything leaving only wood, about 3-4 feet high. In spring 2000, we'll cut off more than 6 feet of top wood. Clerodendrum offers many other fine tropical plants, but to me, this quadriloculare variety is the best.